Rapid NeuroFascial Reset Edmonton

What is Rapid NeuroFascial Reset?

This technique originates in Canada, and it is designed to alter tissue tension and desensitize the nerves in a problem area. Our therapists will use neurological-based protocols to reduce tension and inflammation in muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments of the entire body.

It’s Time to Prioritize Yourself

What Does Rapid NFR Treat?

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset can help treat a variety of ailments including:

• frozen shoulder
• golfer’s and tennis elbow
• back pain
• whiplash
• TMJ disorders
• arthritis
• carpal tunnel syndrome
• sciatica
• plantar fasciitis
• knee pain
• sacroiliac dysfunction
• pubic symphysis release

How Many Treatment Will I Need?

After each treatment, the tissues may feel a bit tender for a day or so and this is completely normal. Most people feel relief immediately after treatment. Your therapist will discuss with you how often and how many treatment you may need. Sometimes 3-5 treatments is all that may be needed, while for more chronic conditions up to 8-10 treatments may be indicated.