Thor Handheld Lasers

Thor Lasers are the only medically-approved and medically-insured lasers available! Our Thor handheld lasers at River Stone Wellness Centre are programmed so that the frequency, wavelength, and dosage are accurate and measurable. With our Thor lasers we deliver effective, safe and painless Photobiomodulation, also known as Red-light Therapy.

Curious as to how the Thor laser works? Keep reading to find out how this amazing tool can benefit your health and wellness.

What is the Thor Handheld Laser?

The Thor handheld lasers include both LED wands and true Laser wands.

Two different wavelengths of red light are used with the Thor handheld laser. LEDs penetrate a few centimeters into the tissue and help to heal soft tissue and reduce pain and inflammation. The lasers penetrate more deeply to help heal deeper tissues and joints.

The treatment length with Thor handheld lasers can vary greatly and depend on what is getting treated. A short treatment lasts about 15 minutes while a longer treatment could take an hour. However, most treatments can be done in about 30 minutes.

What Does the Thor Handheld Laser Treat?

The Thor handheld laser can treat a variety of issues, including:

Muscle and Joint Pain

The Thor handheld laser can reduce pain and promote healing whether you’re suffering from an acute injury or chronic pain such as Fibromyalgia. We can also effective treat pain and inflammation from arthritis, sprains, contusions and fractures.

Neurological Conditions

From brain injuries such as concussions to strokes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s, the Thor handheld laser can help address neurological conditions by reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of damaged cells and tissues.

Injuries and Wounds

The Thor handheld laser works effectively to speed the healing of wounds such as burns and lacerations as well as post-surgery healing. It can also help heal skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Oral and Dental Pain

Thor laser therapy has been shown to heal and relieve the pain caused by dental and oral issues, such as the discomfort following dental work and oral ailments such as jaw conditions and lesions.

It’s Time to Prioritize Yourself

What Does a Laser Therapy Session Look Like?

Our trained specialists use the Thor handheld laser, which is around the size of a flashlight, directly over your injured area for 30 seconds to several minutes. This all depends on the size of the treatment areas as well as the dose provided by the laser.

This laser is not hot and uses non-thermal photons of light to pass through the skin’s layers to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. Once the light passes through the skin and reaches the target area, it activates light-sensitive enzymes in cells.

Once your cells absorb this light energy, cellular activity is enhanced to promote healing of damaged and injured tissues. This results in reduced pain and inflammation and improved healing time.

Our three main focus areas when it comes to laser treatment include soft tissue injuries, joint conditions, and back and neck pain – although this treatment is also used to treat the conditions mentioned above!

Are Thor Handheld Laser Treatments Safe?

This revolutionary form of treatment is growing in popularity in medical practices. It has been approved by the FDA for a number of conditions and has been proven safe when performed by a trained practitioner.

This treatment is non-invasive and painless and does not involve any medication or medical preparation. The treatment is safe for anyone at any age.

However, it is advised that Thor handheld laser treatment not be used on carcinomas or cancerous lesions. We also cannot treat with the laser around the abdomen and back of a pregnant woman (for the safety of the fetus’ eyes), although treatment with the LED is safe.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Thor handheld laser treatment is a great way to address chronic pain and discomfort in a way that is painless and non-invasive.

Our trained experts can provide you with the relief you need using this easy treatment!

If you’re ready to get started, book your appointment or contact River Stone Wellness with any questions you may have about the Thor handheld laser.