
Edmonton Physiotherapy Services

Goodbye pain, hello freedom!
Trust our physiotherapists
to get you back on track.

Integrative Treatment to Help You Live Pain-Free

At River Stone Wellness Centre, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and our integrated Edmonton physiotherapy and wellness clinic is dedicated to providing personalized treatments in a supportive and relaxing environment.

Physiotherapy is a vital component of our services at River Stone Wellness Centre, designed to help individuals achieve a pain-free life. If your daily life is affected by pain and discomfort, physiotherapy can offer significant relief and enhance your quality of life.

Our Commitment to You

  • One-on-one care from your physiotherapist

  • Private treatment rooms

  • Proven modalities to help you reach your goals

  • Motor Vehicle Accident treatments and billing

  • Pelvic Health

Physiotherapy at River Stone Wellness

River Stone Wellness Centre is an integrated wellness clinic located in South Edmonton. We offer physiotherapy services in conjunction with massage, chiropractic and more to provide a holistic approach to wellness. Our clinic focuses on personalized treatments in a supportive and relaxing environment. At River Stone Wellness, we look at your body and wellness as a whole.

Physiotherapy, also called Physical Therapy, is the application of manual therapy to reduce muscle and tissue pain and regain lost function. Manual therapy may include what is known as joint mobilization. This is a passive therapy that is gently applied to skeletal joints. Joint mobilization will help to increase the range of motion and reduce inflammation and pain in the joint. Manual therapy will also include the manipulation and stretching of muscles and surrounding tissues.

Why Choose River Stone Wellness

At River Stone Wellness Centre, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and our integrated Edmonton physiotherapy and wellness clinic is dedicated to providing personalized treatments in a supportive and relaxing environment.

Physiotherapy is a vital component of our services at River Stone Wellness Centre, designed to help individuals achieve a pain-free life. If your daily life is affected by pain and discomfort, physiotherapy can offer significant relief and enhance your quality of life.

Our highly skilled physiotherapists are trained to assess and diagnose musculoskeletal conditions, taking into account your medical history, lifestyle, and specific concerns. While at other wellness centres you may receive only 5 or 10 minutes with a physio, we provide 30 or 45 minutes of one-on-one care.

Whether you’ve had a car accident, sports injury, physical trauma, or repetitive strains, our Edmonton physio team is here to provide you with the treatment you need to improve your well-being.


Another kind of treatment that may be applied by our physiotherapists is Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) or Dry Needling. The name “dry” refers to the fact that the needles are not like syringes in which liquid can pass through. The needles used in this technique are acupuncture needles; they are not hollow. IMS differs from acupuncture in that it targets muscles and fascia in a specific area, whereas acupuncture targets meridian points throughout the body. Physiotherapists will use IMS to reduce pain and to regain proper functioning of muscles and tissues.

Shockwave Therapy

At River Stone Wellness, our physiotherapists may utilize shockwave therapy as part of your treatment. Shockwave therapy, also known as Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT), uses high-pressure acoustic pulses to penetrate muscles, tissues, and even bones. Shockwave therapy increases the metabolic activity in the targeted cells and thereby aids in healing. The pulses also serve to breakdown scar tissue. Shockwave is an excellent therapy for new and old injuries, including tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tennis elbow, and stress fractures. The protocol is typically for 3 treatments, although in some cases extended treatment may be required.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound has been part of physiotherapy treatments since about the 1940s. Our physiotherapists may use therapeutic ultrasound to achieve muscle and tissue relaxation, breakdown scar tissue, increase blood flow and heat targeted tissues. The effect is a clear increase in the healing rate and function. Some studies have also found that ultrasound can directly affect bone tissue, resulting in quicker healing from fractures. Like shockwave therapy, the therapeutic aspect of ultrasound is acoustic vibration. The source of ultrasonic waves is the vibration of crystals. At River Stone Wellness, a typical ultrasound treatment may be from 3 to 5 minutes.

Exercise Therapy

Physiotherapy at River Stone Wellness involves an exercise component. Studies have shown that exercise treatment increases blood flow, lengthens muscles, reduces stiffness, stabilizes core muscles, improves posture and reduces overall healing time after injury. Exercise also benefits your cardiovascular health and improves the delivery of nutrients to organs and muscles. Treadmill and stationary biking may be incorporated into your physio plan. We begin at a level suitable to your fitness and injury level and slowly work to more vigorous exercise.


Pelvic Health

Pelvic health is a form of physiotherapy that addresses the pelvic floor muscles and associated organs. Pelvic muscles can be too weak or too tight. Some of the conditions treated include incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and painful intercourse. Both male and female pelvic conditions are treatable.

Laser (Red-light) Therapy

We have medically approved and insured therapeutic lasers that can help treat your pain and injuries.

Muscle and Joint Pain

Laser can reduce pain and promote healing whether you’re suffering from chronic pain such as Fibromyalgia or joint pain caused by Arthritis. Back and neck pain can be easily and painlessly treated using laser. This form of therapy is also beneficial to those suffering from sports-related injuries.

Neurological Conditions

From brain injuries to strokes, concussions, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s, the Thor handheld laser can help address neurological conditions by reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of damaged cells and tissues.

Injuries and Wounds

The Thor handheld laser works effectively to speed the healing of wounds such as bruises, burns, and lacerations as well as post-surgery healing. It can also help heal skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results from physiotherapy?Admin2023-07-20T16:53:53-06:00

The time it takes to see results from physiotherapy can vary depending on various factors, such as the nature and severity of the condition, individual response to treatment, and adherence to the recommended treatment plan.

While some patients may experience significant improvements in a relatively short period, others may require longer treatment durations to achieve desired outcomes.

It is best to discuss this question with your physiotherapist, as they can provide a more personalized estimate based on your specific situation.

Does physiotherapy hurt?Admin2023-11-23T09:56:53-07:00

The goal of physiotherapy is to increase function and reduce pain.

Although certain treatments or exercises may cause temporary discomfort, it is important to note that physiotherapists are trained to minimize pain during the process.

In some cases, the treatment may temporarily elicit the same pain you are experiencing, but overall, it aims to alleviate pain and promote healing.

If you have concerns about pain management during physiotherapy, it is recommended to discuss them with your physiotherapist beforehand.

What happens during a physiotherapy visit?Admin2023-11-23T10:36:56-07:00

During your first visit, our physiotherapist will conduct an assessment of your pain and/or injury. Muscle testing, orthopedic testing, and range of motion assessments are part of the initial visit. By the end of the first visit, our physiotherapist will have a plan for you for what will be involved in your continued treatments. Treatments may include manual therapy, IMS, laser, shockwave, ultrasound, and exercise therapy.

At River Stone Wellness, our south Edmonton physiotherapists are patient-focused. We spend the full appointment time with you, the patient! We know that your improved health and functioning is critical, and we take care to provide you with the excellent treatment you need to recover from injuries.

active man climbing on rocks

Get Back to Doing What you Love with Leading Edmonton Physiotherapy

At River Stone Wellness Centre, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and our integrated Edmonton physiotherapy and wellness clinic is dedicated to providing personalized treatments in a supportive and relaxing environment.

Physiotherapy is a vital component of our services at River Stone Wellness Centre, designed to help individuals achieve a pain-free life. If your daily life is affected by pain and discomfort, physiotherapy can offer significant relief and enhance your quality of life.

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