When you visit a physiotherapist, you probably have a lot of questions running through your mind, such as:

“How long will it take?”

At River Stone Wellness, we know that every patient is different, and we will craft a tailored treatment plan specific to your needs.

This may produce immediate results, or it may take some time, depending on your unique needs and situation.

Our physiotherapists know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to getting back on your feet as fast as possible.

They know how to modify your activities, how to keep your muscles limber, and how to spot red flag signs that indicate you need more help.

If you’re curious to know how long it takes to see results from physiotherapy, keep reading to learn more:

When Should You See A Physiotherapist?

Seeing a physiotherapist can be a positive step towards improving your general health and well-being, but many people tend to seek treatment as a last resort.

If you are experiencing any of the following situations, you should see a physiotherapist as soon as possible:


Physiotherapy can be an effective way to help manage pain, especially when it is related to musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, neck pain, arthritis, and sports injuries.

A physiotherapist can help to identify the source of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms.


Physiotherapy can be an effective way to help individuals recover from injuries, whether they have slipped and fallen or were involved in a motor vehicle accident.

If you’ve suffered an injury, such as a sprain, strain, or fracture, a physiotherapist can help you recover and regain strength and mobility.

Chronic Conditions

Chronic conditions can cause a range of issues, such as poor balance and coordination, limited mobility, and weak muscles.

If you have a chronic health condition, such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, a physiotherapist can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.


Surgery can cause a range of issues, such as pain and discomfort, as well as limited mobility and scar tissue.

If you’ve had surgery, such as a joint replacement, a physiotherapist can help you recover and regain strength and mobility.

Neurological Conditions

Physiotherapy can be a valuable part of the rehabilitation process for individuals with neurological conditions.

For those with neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease or stroke, a physiotherapist can help you improve your motor function and regain independence.


Physiotherapy can be an important part of prenatal and postnatal care, helping women maintain their physical health and prepare for childbirth. 

A physiotherapist can help you improve your posture and body mechanics, strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and aid in post-natal recovery.

Factors that Influence The Length Of Physiotherapy Treatment

man and woman having rehab session pedaling sitting on wheelchair at physiotherapy clinic

It’s important to note that the length of time it takes for patients to notice positive changes varies from person to person.

Some patients may feel some improvement after the first session, while others may need more time and sessions.

Some injuries or conditions will require more time than others to heal, so it’s important to be patient with your physiotherapy goals and realize that you may not feel results right away.

However, there are some factors that can influence the length of physiotherapy treatment:

Severity of the Injury or Condition

The more severe the injury or condition, the longer the course of physiotherapy treatment may need to be.

For example, a minor sprain may only require a few sessions, while a more severe injury or condition may require several weeks or months of treatment.

Age and Overall Health

Younger and healthier patients may be able to recover more quickly and require less physiotherapy treatment than older or less healthy patients.

Age and overall health will also impact the treatment goals of physiotherapy. The treatment goals of younger patients may differ from an older patient with the same condition.

Compliance With Treatment

Compliance, or following through with a prescribed treatment plan, is essential to achieving the best possible outcomes in physiotherapy treatments. 

Patients who are diligent about following their physiotherapy treatment plan and completing their exercises at home are likely to recover more quickly than those who are less compliant.

Type of Injury or Condition

Different injuries and conditions require different types of physiotherapy treatment, which can affect the length of treatment.

For example, a muscle strain may require a different type of treatment than a chronic back condition.

Goals of Treatment

The length of physiotherapy treatment may also depend on the goals of treatment.

For example, if the goal is simply to reduce pain and improve mobility, treatment may be shorter than if the goal is to return to high-level sports or other activities.

Tips to Speed Up Your Recovery with Physiotherapy

When you seek physiotherapy treatment, you are working as a team with your physiotherapist.

You can ensure a speedier recovery by doing your part when it comes to your treatment plan.

Here are some tips to help you speed up your recovery with physiotherapy:

Attend All of Your Scheduled Physiotherapy Sessions

Consistency is key when it comes to physiotherapy.

Attending all of your scheduled sessions can help ensure that you make progress toward your recovery goals.

Follow Your Physiotherapist’s Advice and Instructions

Your physiotherapist will provide you with a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

It’s important to follow their advice and instructions closely to ensure the best possible outcome.

Do Your Exercises at Home

Your physiotherapist may prescribe exercises for you to do at home between sessions.

Completing these exercises as directed can help speed up your recovery and improve your overall function.

Stay Active

Depending on your injury or condition, your physiotherapist may recommend that you stay active in other ways, such as taking regular walks or doing low-impact exercises.

Staying active can help promote healing and prevent further injury.

Manage Your Pain

Pain can be a major obstacle to recovery. Talk to your physiotherapist about pain management strategies, such as ice or heat therapy, massage, or over-the-counter pain medications.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can help promote healing and improve your overall health. Make sure you’re eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Rest and sleep are important for recovery. Make sure you’re getting enough rest and sleep each day to allow your body to heal.

Reduce Pain, Restore Mobility, Live Your Life

Physiotherapy is not a quick fix. It is a long process that requires commitment and patience.

This can be difficult for some people who are used to quick results, but it’s important to remember that physiotherapy isn’t about getting better quickly –  it’s about getting better permanently.

If you’re looking to get back on your feet and start feeling better, then make sure you take the time to see a physiotherapist.

At River Stone Wellness, we can help you with any injuries or conditions that are causing pain in your body.

If you want to know more about our services, contact us today!