Has winter left you feeling exhausted?

When you live in Edmonton, you know what it’s like to face long winters and short days. This can start to take a toll on anyone’s mood and energy levels.

Many of us feel the impact of the cold and darkness, struggling to stay motivated and upbeat during the winter months.

But what if there was a solution to help us combat the Edmonton blues?

RLT (red light therapy) is an effective and promising treatment that offers a ray of hope for those seeking relief from seasonal affective disorder and other winter-related woes.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy, also known as RLT or photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, includes various modalities, such as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser treatment.

It involves the use of red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular rejuvenation in the body to promote healing.

At River Stone Wellness, we use the NovoThor pod, a full-body RLT treatment device that delivers targeted red light to the entire body.

Unlike conventional treatments like drugs or surgery, red light therapy works with the body’s natural processes to encourage tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation.

RLT has also been proven effective for:

  • Pain
  • Immunity
  • Healing
  • Anxiety
  • Performance
  • Weight Loss

Red light therapy can help alleviate the winter blues by regulating circadian rhythms and boosting serotonin production. This provides a natural lift in mood and energy levels during the darker months.

Seasonal Benefits for Edmonton Residents

During the winter months, red light therapy offers a natural solution to combat mood swings and low energy levels, commonly experienced due to reduced sunlight exposure.

It also helps alleviate the discomfort of muscle and joint pain exacerbated by the cold weather, promoting overall well-being.

RLT’s ability to address these seasonal concerns makes it an invaluable resource for Edmonton residents seeking relief during the darker months.

Improved Mood and Energy Levels

The winter months in Edmonton often bring with them a sense of lethargy and low spirits due to reduced exposure to sunlight.

Red light therapy has shown promise in addressing these seasonal mood shifts by increasing the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation.

By basking in the warm glow of red light, you can boost your mood and energy levels, helping them navigate through the dark days with greater resilience.

Muscle and Joint Pain Relief

The cold weather in Edmonton can exacerbate muscle and joint pain, making everyday activities challenging.

Red light therapy has been shown to relieve these symptoms by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.

By incorporating red light therapy into their wellness routine, Edmonton residents can experience relief from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other musculoskeletal issues.

Boosted Immune Function

Cold and flu season can take a significant toll on Edmonton residents, leaving them vulnerable to illness.

Red light therapy has been shown to enhance immune function by increasing the production of white blood cells. White blood cells help defend the body against pathogens that can lead to illness.

By bolstering your immune system with regular red light therapy treatments, you can reduce your risk of falling ill and stay healthy all winter long.

Beyond Winter: Other Potential Benefits of RLT

woman touching face; smooth skin

Red light therapy’s benefits extend far beyond winter, offering year-round solutions for various health and wellness concerns.

Whether improving skin health, accelerating wound healing, or stimulating hair growth, RLT provides a versatile and effective treatment option for individuals seeking holistic well-being.

Its versatility and efficacy make it a valuable addition to any wellness routine, regardless of the season.

Skin Health

Red light therapy offers a range of benefits for skin health, improving tone, texture, and overall radiance. RLT enhances blood circulation and stimulates collagen production.

Red light therapy has also been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, making it a valuable tool for achieving smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Accelerated Wound Healing

Whether it’s a minor cut, surgical incision, or chronic wound, red light therapy can expedite the healing process and minimize scarring.

By promoting cellular regeneration and reducing inflammation, RLT accelerates tissue repair, allowing wounds to heal more quickly and effectively.

This can be beneficial for those recovering from surgery or dealing with conditions such as diabetic ulcers or bedsores.

Stimulated Hair Growth

For those experiencing hair loss or thinning, red light therapy offers a non-invasive and effective solution. It can improve hair density and promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp and stimulating hair follicles.

Whether used as a standalone treatment or along with other therapies, red light therapy offers hope for those looking to restore their hair and confidence.

Alleviate Anxiety

Beyond its physical benefits, red light therapy may offer relief for mental health concerns such as anxiety.

Through its calming effect on the nervous system and regulation of neurotransmitters, RLT has the potential to soothe anxious minds and promote a sense of well-being.

Trying Red Light Therapy in Edmonton

Experience the benefits of red light therapy at River Stone Wellness, the exclusive provider of the cutting-edge NovoThor pod in Alberta!

Our handheld Thors also provide targeted solutions for your specific concerns to ensure a personalized approach to your wellness journey.

At River Stone Wellness, we offer state-of-the-art RLT sessions that go beyond conventional treatments.

Are you ready to beat the blues and feel rejuvenated? Don’t wait!

Come discover the transformative power of red light therapy in Edmonton.

Book your RLT session online!