Long Covid is a lingering condition following a COVID-19 infection, and it has left many people grappling with persistent symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and pain.

Unfortunately, few established treatments are available to address this issue, underscoring the need for innovative and effective treatments.

At River Stone Wellness, we trust NovoTHOR as a therapy for Long Covid.

This award-winning, whole-body medical light pod has shown promising results as a new approach to treating the lingering symptoms of COVID-19.

What is Long Covid?

Long COVID refers to the continuation of COVID-19 symptoms like exhaustion and muscle pain long after recovering from the initial illness.

This happens because the body undergoes various changes, such as muscle damage, changes in muscle makeup, and problems with how it produces energy.

Research on exercise in Long Covid patients shows that after physical activity, inflammation markers and muscle damage increase, contributing to persistent symptoms like fatigue.

This highlights the connection between inflammation and the body’s response to exertion in those with Long Covid.

What is NovoTHOR?

NovoTHOR is a full-body medical light pod that uses Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy.

PBM involves the application of red and/or near-infrared light to promote healing. It also addresses inflammation and provides relief for both acute and chronic pain.

Unlike conventional treatments such as medications or surgery, PBM actively promotes tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation. It has a remarkable safety profile, being non-toxic and non-invasive with virtually no side effects.

Picture yourself lying comfortably in a specialized pod, bathed in soothing red and near-infrared light. It’s a simple, relaxing process that holds the promise of cellular rejuvenation and relief from Long Covid’s persistent grip.

How NovoTHOR Can Help with Long Covid

Long Covid wreaks havoc on cellular function and mitochondrial health, but NovoTHOR’s targeted approach has the potential to address these cellular disruptions, offering relief from the symptoms. NovoTHOR targets and fixes mitochondrial dysfunction, one of the key factors of Long Covid.

Here are some of the ways that NovoTHOR can help with Long Covid:

Lung Function

NovoTHOR’s photobiomodulation therapy holds the potential for improving lung function in Long Covid patients.

Targeting inflammation may help mitigate the respiratory complications associated with the virus, offering relief and support for breathing difficulties. NovoTHOR also restores mitochondrial function and regulates the cytokine response.

Brain Fog

One of the most challenging symptoms of Long Covid is ‘brain fog,’ which can cause cognitive impairment and mental fogginess.

NovoTHOR’s therapeutic light may help restore cognitive function, providing clarity and mental sharpness to those grappling with post-COVID cognitive challenges.


Long-lasting fatigue is a hallmark of Long Covid, often debilitating individuals and hindering daily activities.

NovoTHOR’s cellular rejuvenation approach may help alleviate fatigue by optimizing mitochondrial function, offering a potential boost in energy levels and vitality.


Persistent pain is another common challenge among Long Covid sufferers, affecting quality of life and overall well-being.

NovoTHOR’s targeted light therapy may assist in reducing pain levels by addressing underlying inflammation and promoting cellular repair, providing relief and comfort to those enduring chronic pain post-Covid infection.

Current Research on NovoTHOR and Long Covid

patient lays in NovoThor bed

In a study published in the Journal of Biophotonics, two light therapy devices were tested on 14 people with Long Covid symptoms.

The group treated with NovoTHOR showed significant improvements in cognitive function and processing speed.

Another study published in Life suggests that using low-level laser therapy in the early stages of COVID-19 could be beneficial in preventing the disease from progressing to more severe stages.

It indicates that this therapy might help reduce inflammation levels, particularly in the lungs, which could potentially control the excessive immune response triggered by the virus.

Potential Benefits & Risks of NovoTHOR Therapy

NovoTHOR therapy has many benefits, including its non-invasive nature, swift sessions, and painless application.

Photobiomodulation has almost no negative side-effects, making NovoTHOR a compelling option for those seeking relief from Long Covid’s grasp. 

Non-Invasive Treatment

NovoTHOR therapy offers a non-invasive treatment option for individuals seeking relief from Long Covid.

Unlike invasive procedures or pharmaceuticals, NovoTHOR’s approach respects the body’s natural processes, minimizing discomfort and recovery time.

This gentle method ensures that patients can undergo therapy without the risks associated with invasive surgeries or pharmaceutical interventions.

The non-invasive nature of NovoTHOR therapy also promotes a sense of comfort and relaxation during treatment, contributing to an overall positive patient experience.

Quick and Effective

Sessions with NovoTHOR are not only convenient but also swift and effective. Patients can experience the benefits of photobiomodulation therapy without lengthy treatment times, allowing for seamless integration into busy schedules.

This efficiency is particularly beneficial for individuals managing the challenges of Long Covid, as it enables them to receive therapeutic benefits without disrupting their daily routines.

Plus, the rapid onset of therapeutic effects means that you can experience relief from symptoms sooner, enhancing your overall quality of life.

Painless Application

One of the standout features of NovoTHOR therapy is its painless application. Patients can undergo treatment without the fear of discomfort or adverse reactions, ensuring a comfortable experience throughout.

The gentle nature of photobiomodulation therapy allows individuals to relax and unwind during sessions, free from the discomfort often associated with traditional medical interventions.

This painless application enhances patient comfort and leads to better outcomes for individuals managing Long Covid.


While NovoTHOR therapy boasts numerous benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge any potential risk.

The most common side-effect that affects fewer than 1% of patients is mild nausea that abates within a few hours.

With essentially no side-effects, NovoTHOR is an excellent treatment for Long Covid. This easy treatment can provide long-lasting and permanent relief from Long Covid’s burdensome symptoms.

Try It For Yourself

Whether you’re struggling with the after-effects of COVID-19 or you simply want to improve your overall well-being, River Stone Wellness is here to support your journey to optimal health.

We proudly use Alberta’s only NovoTHOR device and invite you to experience the benefits of NovoTHOR therapy firsthand.

Book your session online today and enjoy the benefits of relief and rejuvenation!