Every step, every move you make, hinges on the health of your spine.

Yet, when a herniated disc strikes, that vitality can be compromised, leading to pain and limitations.

However, there is hope for relief through effective treatments.

Let’s take a look at five approaches to treating a herniated disc, as well as what a herniated disc is and why it should be treated.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc, often known as a ruptured or slipped disc, is a spinal condition that can cause significant discomfort and disruption to daily life.

Your spine is made up of a series of vertebral bones, each cushioned by rubbery discs acting as shock absorbers between them.

These discs have a tough outer layer and a soft gel-like inner core.

A herniated disc happens when the inner core, known as the nucleus pulposus, pushes through a tear or rupture in the outer layer, called the annulus fibrosus.

This protrusion can result in compression and irritation of nearby spinal nerves, giving rise to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.

The causes of a herniated disc can vary and may include age-related degeneration, where the discs lose their elasticity and become more susceptible to tears.

Sudden trauma, such as lifting a heavy object with improper form, can also trigger a herniation.

Additionally, repetitive strain on the spine from activities like bending, twisting, or heavy lifting can gradually weaken the discs over time, making them more prone to herniation.

Reasons Why You Should Treat A Herniated Disc

Suffering from a herniated disc might seem like an inconvenience at first, but the consequences of neglecting treatment can be far-reaching.

Beyond the immediate discomfort, there are compelling reasons why addressing a herniated disc is crucial for your overall well-being.

River Stone Wellness recognizes the significance of timely intervention, and here’s why:

  • Preventing Long-Term Complications: An untreated herniated disc can lead to long-term issues such as nerve damage, chronic pain, and decreased mobility. Treating the issue promptly can prevent these complications from becoming permanent.
  • Restoring Quality of Life: The pain and discomfort caused by a herniated disc can severely impact your quality of life. Herniated disc treatments can help you regain the ability to engage in daily activities without the constant burden of pain.
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Surgery: Opting for non-invasive treatment methods like spinal decompression can often spare you from undergoing surgery. By addressing the issue through effective conservative treatments, you can potentially avoid the need for surgical intervention altogether.
  • Enhancing Natural Healing: Treating a herniated disc early allows your body to harness its natural healing mechanisms more effectively.
  • Addressing Underlying Causes: By treating the herniation, you’re not just alleviating the current issue but also working towards preventing future occurrences and fostering a healthier spine.
  • Improving Emotional Well-Being: Constant pain and limited mobility can take a toll on your emotional well-being. Taking proactive steps to treat your herniated disc can lead to improved mental health as you regain your ability to engage in activities that bring you joy.

How to Treat a Herniated Disc

Orthopedist Massaging Man's Back in Clinic, Closeup.

Addressing a herniated disc involves exploring a range of treatment options, each catering to different needs and preferences.

These approaches span from conservative methods aimed at alleviating pain and discomfort to more advanced techniques that target the underlying issue for lasting relief.

1. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers a hands-on approach to herniated disc treatment by focusing on spinal realignment.

Chiropractors utilize manual manipulation techniques to adjust the vertebrae, which helps alleviate pressure on the herniated disc and surrounding nerves.

Through controlled and precise movements, chiropractic adjustments improve spinal function, restore proper alignment, and reduce pain.

This approach not only offers immediate relief but also contributes to the healing process by promoting optimal spinal health.

Chiropractic care often complements other treatments, enhancing their effectiveness and providing a comprehensive, holistic approach to addressing herniated disc issues.

2. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in herniated disc treatment by focusing on strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected area.

The goal is to enhance overall spine support and stability.

A physiotherapist can design a personalized and customized exercise regimen to improve flexibility, posture, and core strength.

This approach helps reduce pressure on the herniated disc and provides long-term relief by promoting natural healing.

By engaging in regular physiotherapy sessions, you actively contribute to reducing pressure on the herniated disc since the strengthened muscles provide better cushioning for the spine and facilitate its proper alignment.

3. Red-Light Laser Therapy

When a disc has herniated, the pain and obstruction cause inflammation. The inflammation increases the pressure in the tissues surrounding the herniated disc.

Red-light laser therapy is extremely effective at reducing inflammation and controlling pain. By reducing inflammation, this simple and non-invasive treatment can reduce the pressure in the joint where the disc has herniated. The result is negative pressure that can provides the opportunity for the herniation to reduce.

Laser therapy is also effective as reducing pain. Over the course of several treatments the pain of the herniated disc can be controlled. Combined with the reduction of inflammation this treatment can be used alone or in combination with chiropractic and physiotherapy.

4. Pain Management and Medications

For temporary relief from pain and inflammation, over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or prescription pain medications may be recommended.

While these medications do not directly target the underlying issue, they play a crucial role in improving your quality of life during the healing process.

Temporary relief from pain and inflammation by using medications can help you better engage in other types of treatment, such as spinal decompression.

It’s important to note that pain management should be a complementary approach rather than the sole focus of treatment.

5. Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a non-invasive, gentle, and targeted approach to treating herniated discs.

This technique involves the use of a decompression table, where the patient lies comfortably while the table’s mechanical movements create a controlled stretching and relaxation of the spine.

During this process, negative pressure is applied to the affected disc, allowing the herniated material to retract and reposition itself.

This relieves pressure on the nerves, promotes nutrient-rich fluid circulation, and stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

The beauty of spinal decompression lies in its ability to not only alleviate symptoms but also address the underlying issue, aiding in the disc’s recovery.

6. Surgical Intervention

Surgery is usually considered when other treatments can’t provide relief or when there is a risk of nerve damage.

A surgical procedure, such as a discectomy, removes the part of the herniated disc that is putting pressure on the nerves.

While surgery can provide relief in severe cases, there are risks, and requires a longer recovery period.

It’s essential to thoroughly discuss the pros and cons with a medical professional before considering surgical intervention.


Navigating the path to healing a herniated disc requires careful consideration of various treatment options, each with its own set of advantages.

River Stone Wellness comprehensively examines these approaches to offer you a well-rounded perspective on finding relief and recovery.

We find that a combination of chiropractic, physiotherapy and red light laser therapy is a great approach for reducing pain, rehabilitating the muscles, reducing inflammation and helping the area to heal.

River Stone Wellness Has Your Back!

Living with a herniated disc doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.

By seeking timely and effective treatment, such as chiropractic, physiotherapy and red light laser therapy, you can experience relief and a restored quality of life.

Remember, at River Stone Wellness, your well-being is our priority.

Don’t let a herniated disc hold you back – take the proactive steps towards healing and reclaiming your vitality.

Contact us today for more information about our treatment options.